Харат Аль–Яхуд — еврейский квартал Дамаска.
С начала войны он был брошен оставшейся частью коренного населения, которое жило в Дамаске с новозаветных времен

— People in the city can react to you very emotionally. Don’t be afraid, street crime in the center was cleaned up by the state security services during the war… it’s just that in recent years foreigners in civilian clothes have rarely been seen here.
«Faces of Damascus, 2023» is a photo story that captures the essence of everyday life in one of the world’s oldest cities. This collection delves into the soul of Damascus, highlighting the simple yet profound lives of its residents. The scenes depict the hardworking porters clearing away the remnants of the day’s activities, adding rhythm to the city’s evening lull. Using infrared photography, the collection adds an ethereal dimension, creates a contrast, highlighting the interplay between tradition and modernity. «Faces of Damascus, 2023» is not just a visual documentation but a narrative of perseverance, community, and the enduring personal and collective spirit of the syrian people that shape the lives of these simple people.
— Люди в городе могут очень эмоционально на вас реагировать. Не бойтесь, уличная преступность в центре зачищена спецслужбами во время войны… просто здесь последние годы редко видят иностранцев в штатском.